Whether you want to teach your dog new skills, set up your new pup for success or you are on a behaviour modification journey, dog training is a Marathon and not a Sprint. Achieving your goal needs working in increments that are as big as your dog ability to learn. It is a journey that requires consistency, practice and working with a qualified coach that helps you check on and celebrates your achievements as well as supports you and your dog when the road gets steep. We are here with you every step of the way. We recommend you book regular follow ups, especially if your dog is on a behaviour modification journey.

*** Please NOTE: When working on reactivity (towards human or dogs) we might need to set up a safe environment for you and set your Team up for success. For this reason, when working on developing your skills, we might need a fellow professional to stooge for the session. These are professional dog trainers or skilled dog handlers that accept the risk to help you and your dog. For this reason, sessions requiring an external stooge will incur in a small extra fee ($30) to cover our stooge’s kind services.In case your session requires us to hire a separate facility, an additional fee ($30) will be charged for the hire of said facility. ****

Duration 60 min Cost $120

Book a Follow-up consultation